From Lemons to Lemonade

In an earlier post, I announced that I had received notice from an editor for the Chicken Soup for the Soul books that the story I wrote about my cancer journey, titled “A Joyful Life” had been accepted to the final round of stories for their anthology, From Lemons to Lemonade: 101 Positive, Practical, and Powerful Stories about Making the Best of a Bad Situation
After writing and posting the article on my Cancer Journey Blog, I submitted it to Chicken Soup because I thought it was a pretty good match for the topic of their book. 
You can read it on the blog post: My Cancer Journey
I just received notification that my story WILL be published. My record with Chicken Soup is now six stories accepted to the final round and five published! Hopefully, I'll have a shot at a few more, but that means I'd better get writing!

My longtime friend and fellow writers' group member, Marilyn (Chica) Zapata , also had her story, "The Fruitful Life", published in the same book. Here we are at our July meeting, holding a copy of the book.

From Lemons to Lemonade will be out in book stores in August of 2013. I will receive ten free copies of the book, which I plan to share with friends and family. 
Life is Sweeter with Lemonade!!!