Coral and the Bobbsey Twins at the Theater

When my friend, Coral Beach, invited me to join her on an outing to see the Broadway play, Sister Act, at the Hobby Center in Houston, I jumped at the chance. It’s been roughly 40 years since I’ve been to a play in Houston, and exactly NEVER for one of that caliber! 
“Bring a friend if you like,” she said. So I called my frequent traveling buddy, Carolyn Gandara, and we set the date. (That’s Carolyn on the left, me in the middle, and Coral—standing next to the two Bobbsey Twins in blue and white—I swear we didn’t coordinate our outfits ahead of time!) 
Not only is Coral an experienced theater-goer (her daughter is an assistant director of theater in New York City, so she’s attended plays all over the place, including London), she knows her way around that dreaded, mind-boggling maze known as “downtown” Houston. 
Since this performance was an afternoon event, we decided to have lunch in the theater district, for the “total theater experience”. Coral made reservations for us at Birraporetti’s, and we did our best to sample pretty much everything on the Sunday Jazz Brunch buffet. 

I thought I would be in a carbohydrate coma by the time the curtain went up (the Tiramisu was heavenly—I just couldn’t resist), but that play kept me on the edge of my seat. The costumes were gorgeous (I’ve never seen so much glitter in my life), the musical talent was superb, and we laughed non-stop through the entire show. 
Thank you Coral and Carolyn!
It was a wonderful day, with two very special friends!