Thanks and Then Some!

When my friend and favorite traveling companion, Coral Beach, called to ask about my Thanksgivng Day plans, I told her that I had received several invitations but just wanted to stay home, curl up by a fire in the fireplace and read one of the new mystery novels I just bought.
But she wasn’t having it. “No,” came her reply. “You’re not staying home by yourself.”
“I just need some time to relax,” I argued. 
“No,” she said again. “You’re coming to my house and going to the Thanksgiving Day buffet at the Moody Gardens Hotel with my family and some of our neighbors.” Coral is a take-charge kind of gal.
I’ve mentioned in previous posts on this blog about her expert travel and event planning abilities, and she’s never steered me wrong in the past, so, after taking a peek at the buffet menu online (YUM!), I jumped in my car, shared Coral’s home address with Violet (my voice-activated navigation system) so I wouldn’t veer off course in case I got distracted while singing along to “Jingle-Bells” on the car radio, and headed for Galveston.
And she was right—again! As you can see in the photo at left, the ballroom was beautifully decorated, and the buffet tables were not only loaded with scrumptious food, but amazing ice sculptures, towering floral arrangements and gorgeous carved fruits and vegetables.
We loaded up our plates with delectable treats that I’d never tasted before, plus many traditional favorites with a gourmet twist. It was a food-lover’s dream come true. And the dessert table! Heavens to Betsy! I nearly ate myself into a coma. At right are Coral’s husband, Joe Murphy, with me and Coral, enjoying the day’s feast.
The photo at left sums up the day: Two well-fed, gray-haired ladies, lounging on the park bench in the pumpkin patch. Life doesn’t get any better!
There was so much to be thankful for that day—not only for the abundance of tasty food and our beautiful surroundings, but the company of many good friends. Not just those who spent  Thanksgiving Day with me, but all of you who have prayed for me, inspired me, supported me, and laughed with me throughout this joyful year. I am so blessed!
Thank you Joe and Coral for a wonderful day! And many, many thanks to all my friends and family who fill my heart with joy! 
Love to all!