Just Wake Up and See What Happens!

As I have mentioned before on my Cancer Journey Blog, I consider each day I wake up to be a gift, and try to squeeze the most joy I can out of each one. 
This week, my gift arrived in a “family size” package, labeled “the Hander’s”. Shown in the photo at left, taken at Space Center Houston, are my son, Jonathan, and his family. Left to right are: Austin (age 9), Jonathan, Ashley (age 7), Christine, and me. 
They drove down to Texas from their home in Westford, Massachusetts, stopping first in Dallas to see old friends, then in Kerrville for a family reunion with Jonathan’s dad’s family, and last in League City to stay for a few days with me. 
As with most vacation visits, we tried our best to cram as many activities as we could into each day—but my energy level now isn’t quite up to par. Even my son, who typically works 12-hour days on his job as an engineer, was feeling the drain of their two-week whirlwind tour, and stretched out one afternoon in my recliner for a lengthy nap. 
I longed to do the same, but was torn by the conflict of coordinating our activities and spending the most time I could with them during their short visit versus a timeout for much-needed rest. 
“Get some sleep,” said my wise daughter-in-law, Christine. “Then we’ll just wake up and see what happens.” 
I guess her Master’s degree in Family Counseling has paid off—not to mention the fact that she cut to the chase with some plain old common sense. Thank you, Christine! 
And I won’t ever forget her advice. What a wonderful philosophy for life! For the most part, planning is a good thing—a necessary thing. But sometimes it’s a lot more fun to just wake up and see what happens! 

Take a chance! Surprise yourself!