When Times Get Tough, The Tough Go Shopping!

I first started this part of my cancer journey in January of 2013, when I decided it was time to begin the reconstruction process to reclaim the body parts I lost in 2007 and 2011 due to my breast cancer. 

I was given the “all clear” signal after a scare in September of 2012, when a nodule appeared on my chest wall. A biopsy declared it to be benign, so, after a crazy period in my life when I was selling my home and downsizing to another one in a larger city, I settled into my new space and scheduled the surgery with a plastic surgeon. 

As most of you know, things took a drastic turn after he inserted my tissue expanders to start the reconstruction, and removed the remainder of the “benign” nodule, which turned out not to be benign after all. Things went from bad to worse two weeks later when a routine bone scan showed signs of cancer in my bones—a metastasis from my breast cancer. 

Two weeks after that, I received word from my medical team that due to fractures in my ribs, I would need to have the tissue expanders removed because I wouldn’t be able to tolerate the pressure of the expansion procedure. 

Bless his heart, my plastic surgeon tried his best to reunite me with my missing body parts, but my body just would not cooperate! I had planned to go out—not with a bang—but with a kick aÚÚ body, but apparently, cleavage just wasn’t in my future! 

Since I’m not one to be thwarted by minor setbacks, I decided to take a different tack. Just because I can’t have a kick aÚÚ body, doesn’t mean I can’t have kick aÚÚ clothes!!!
