Christmas Traditions

It just wouldn’t be Christmas without attending a performance of the Nutcracker Ballet, so that’s just what I did recently, with my sister, Charlotte Dillard, and friend Coral Beach. Here we are at right standing in front of the Christmas tree (left to right are: me, Coral, and Charlotte) at The Grand Opera House in Galveston where we saw a wonderful performance by the City Ballet of Houston.
Ever since my ballet career was thwarted at the age of seven (read the post: Dancing for Joy) I’ve lived in awe of those ethereal visions in tulle, pirouetting across the stage en pointe. And I wasn’t disappointed by the performance of these mostly amateur dancers and their beautiful costumes, as you can see by the photo below.
Here I am posing with the Nutcracker himself in the theater lobby.
We had a fun day at the ballet and a yummy lunch at The Sunflower Café and Bakery—those cheesecake brownies were scrumptious!
I couldn’t have asked for a better Christmas gift: two cherished friends who helped fulfill one of my most favorite traditions!
Thank you Charlotte and Coral for filling my Holidays with Visions of Sugar Plums (and cheesecake brownies)!!!