Spreading the Word

Galveston County Daily News correspondent, Bronwyn (B.J.) Turner, shown in the photo at left, recently sent me a request for a telephone interview about my cancer diagnosis. She planned to write an article for a special feature during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
I was glad to oblige, and we set the date for a chat.
Over the course of an hour, we learned a lot about each other. I noted that she is an excellent interviewer, and a kind and caring person. She is also an attentive listener—a critical trait for any good news writer.
We discussed my Cancer Journey blog and how my purpose in writing it is to inspire others who are facing difficult times in their lives to maintain a positive attitude.
I was quite pleased with the article she wrote and the fact that she included my motto, “Squeeze the most joy you can out of every day.” 
 One of the questions she asked was, “What has surprised or enchanted you most during your cancer journey?” My answer triggered one of those “light bulb” moments. I realized that I no longer make plans for my life because God keeps sending the most wonderful people into it to inspire, encourage, support, entertain and teach me the most amazing things. As I mentioned in a previous post on this blog, I now just wake up and see what happens!
B.J. is one of those special people who came along to add a bit more joy to my life, and help me spread the word: “Look for the joy! And don’t forget to share it with others.”
Thank you B.J. for a job well done!
The article by Bronwyn Turner, titled "Two Voices", appeared in The Galveston County Daily News, Lifestyle Section, on Sunday, October 13, 2013. Photos by Jennifer Reynolds.