
Anyone who reads this blog knows that it’s all about my Cancer Journey bucket list of fun activities, so I can squeeze the most joy I can out of every single day I have left.
These adventures are featured in the “blog post topics” at right, and a few are highlighted with photos in that same column as my all-time favorites, namely: my most amazing bucket list accomplishment—publishing my first novel; my most thrilling bucket list activity—learning to fly a light sport airplane; and my most fun bucket list activity—taking ballroom dancing lessons.
So far, all of my activities have been planned, but recently, one showed up as an unexpected surprise.
After my fiction-writing buddies, Larry Watts and Tom Rizzo, (See the post: Partners in Crime) inspired me to publish a novel that I had written seven years ago, Murder with a Touch of Spice, they also taught me how to publish it as an e-book on
Amazon offers a marketing tool that allows authors to promote their books with a free download to readers for up to five days. I signed up for the deal, and told all my friends about it, hoping to give away a few copies.
I checked on the progress of the promotion at 1:30pm on the first day and was shocked to see that 119 people had downloaded the book. I was thrilled! Three hours later, the number had reached 200. I was dancing for joy!
I can’t describe my amazement as I continued to watch the figure climb throughout the evening. But I was overwhelmed by the final total of 1,520 books downloaded during the five-day period. I’m still flying high!!! 
I want to thank all of you who supported me in this effort. It was a surprise that filled my heart with joy! 
Sometimes life’s most enjoyable moments show up when you least expect them! I am truly blessed!