Senior Moments

When I first moved into my new house in League City, my next door neighbor, Betty Holt, stopped by to welcome me to the neighborhood. 
At 78 years of age, she was a ball of energy, and invited me to join her in the activities at the Senior Center, where she took classes in line dancing, Zumba Gold, Jazzercise, Yoga and more. It made me tired just hearing about it, but since I love to dance and exercise, I was anxious to check it out. 
Unfortunately, before we got a chance to begin our Senior Center classes, we both hit the skids where our health was concerned; me with my cancer diagnosis and her with heart and blood pressure issues. For several months, we took turns having surgeries and made frequent trips to the emergency room and doctors’ offices. It seemed that we were destined to go through it all together—the good, the bad, and the really bad!! 
But, thankfully, things have finally leveled off now, so we decided to head for the center for a test of what was left of our physical abilities. 
Since my exercise clothes no longer fit my body—or my new fashion style (a.k.a. Kick A**! See the post: When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Go Shopping.), I bought some new ones. 
When I arrived for my first class, however, they refused to let me in. They told me the classes are only for seniors who are 55 years and older. Well, duh! I’ve got that covered and then some!! 
But they didn’t believe me!  They made me show them my ID!

 What’s up with that??