Good News!

I recently had my quarterly bone scan and several CT scans, which help my oncologist track the progression of my disease. When I showed up for my appointment to get the results, the report wasn’t too bad—no new metastasis to other organs apparent, and evidence of some healing in a few areas on my bones, but the tumor marker report, which shows how the cancer is responding to treatment, was still pending.
The next day, on my way to meet a couple of buddies for lunch, my nurse, Shae (shown in the photo with me above), called to tell me that my tumor marker level had dropped from 89 to 35. I didn’t understand what this meant, but she was so excited, I knew the news was either very good or very bad.
“Is that good?” I asked.
“That’s very good!” she replied.
“So, what are we doing right?” I said. “What caused this drastic change?”
She paused, “Your medication…” But she didn’t seem convinced that was the whole story.
Like her, I feel there’s more involved here than just the meds. I’m sure the excellent care I’m receiving from my medical team at M.D. Anderson in the Bay Area is helping me fight my battle with cancer. But I know this recent development is also due to all of you, my cancer support group, and your prayers, your phone calls just to say “Hi, how are you?”, your e-mails with laugh-out-loud jokes or inspirational photos, your fun suggestions for my bucket list activities, and those of you who are brave enough to join me on my adventures. 
Shae follows my Cancer Journey Blog posts, and knows about all my fun activities and the friends who inspire me on my quest for joy
“Keep dancing!” she said.
I agree completely! 
Thank you all for adding so much joy to my life, and offering up those prayers that I’ll be able to stick around for a bit longer here in my “little heaven on earth”—created by you!
Love to all!!
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