Good Friends--Good Food--And Laughter

Everyone knows that laughter is the best medicine. That’s why it’s high priority on my Cancer Journey bucket list. Fortunately, I’m blessed with bookoos of friends who love to laugh and have fun. 
And among those friends are the members of my “Writer’s Critique Group”, Marilyn (Chica) Zapata and Dawn Storey. We met during a creative writing class at COM in 2006, then formed our own group and have been meeting just about every month since then to share our stories. These tales are usually essays about our lives, so we’ve learned a lot about each other over the past seven years; sharing the ups and downs that life dishes out. But mostly, we’ve shared laughter, the best gift of all, because these ladies know how to have fun! 
We held this month’s meeting at the Longhorn Steakhouse Restaurant in Webster, and since my new favorite beverage is a frozen margarita, Dawn offered to be my designated driver. (I get a tad tipsy after just a few sips.) I suppose I’ve been a bad influence on our group—we now all imbibe—but, to be honest, it has upped the fun at our meetings by a factor of Giggles2
Here we are in the photo (Dawn on the left, me in the middle and Chica). We enjoyed our tasty lunch and deliciosos margaritas! Yum! Afterward, we each read our stories. 
Over the past thirty years, I’ve written everything from craft pattern instructions to newsletters to how-to books to blogs (lots of blogs!!). But my favorite, by far, is writing humorous short stories, and I find inspiration in the most mundane of topics. My contribution to this month’s writers’ group meeting is below. Hopefully, no friendships were harmed in the telling. Please forgive me—sometimes my imagination runs amuck! 
The Shopping List
by Gloria Hander Lyons 
Before dashing off one day last week to meet a friend for lunch, I grabbed my shopping list, thinking I might run a few errands on my way home. 
I glanced at it briefly and smiled. There were only three items on it: .22 caliber bullets, pantyhose, and baby shampoo. What did that say about me? 
A stranger reading the list might suspect I was planning a bank robbery. My friend, Chief of Police at the LMPD, would definitely frown on such activity. I was a model citizen when I lived in La Marque, not to mention the fact that I was Chairperson of my neighborhood Community Watch Group; sworn to watch out for my neighbors and report potential crime issues. 
“What the heck happened?” he would ask my former neighbors, Susan, Sharon, and Carolyn. 
“She just snapped!” Susan would reply. 
“She got too carried away with her bucket list!” Sharon would add. 
“This is serious,” the Chief would say. “It might involve handcuffs!” 
“Umm,” Carolyn would murmur, trying desperately not to grin. 
In my defense, there is a simple explanation. The bullets were for target practice with my new handgun. I needed them for a private shooting lesson at the indoor shooting range the following day and planned to stop off at my favorite one-stop-shopping place, Wal-Mart. I just love shooting holes in those targets! 
The pantyhose, however, take a bit more explaining. My friend and fellow writer, Coral, who lives in a beach house by the bay in Galveston, invited me to attend a play in Houston. We were excited about our trip to the big city to see a famous Broadway show. 
“The pressure is on for me to clean off the sand between my toes and try to look suave,” she said. 
“I don’t think suave is in my repertoire,” I replied. “I’ll aim for civilized.” And you know what that means—a dress and those dreaded PANTYHOSE!!! Yuck! 
I haven’t worn pantyhose since my wedding day in 1987. Do they still make them anymore? I decided to cruise through the hosiery department at Wal-Mart after loading up on the ammo. Surely I could find them there. 
“But, what about the baby shampoo?” the stranger might ask. “Why was that on her list?” 
I’ll never tell… There are some secrets a girl just needs to keep to herself. 
Thank you Chica and Dawn for many years of fun and laughter!